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2-. Basic preparation and technology preparedness

Students judge how the preparation they received for college and their job and if they needed to take in college a remedial course. They reveal, as well, which technology they used to complete their course work and the quality of their school teaching technology.

Overall, how well did your high school education prepare you for college? (Only of those enrolled in college)

Overall, how well did your high school education prepare you for your job? (Only of those working and not attending college)

Were you accepted at a college that was one of your top choices? (Only of those enrolled in college)

When you first entered college (or immediately before you entered college) were you required to take a Developmental or Remedial Math or Developmental or Remedial English course? (Only of those enrolled in college)

When it comes to the schoolwork expected of you in college, how has college been so far? Has it been… (Only of those enrolled in college)

How long did it take you to find a job after high school graduation? (Only of those working and not attending college)

And based on your skills and the requirements of the available jobs, how many jobs did you feel you were qualified for? (Only of those working and not attending college)

What is your level of satisfaction with your current job – are you…? (Only of those working and not attending college)

Which of the following best describes the access to technology at your high school?

Were you required to use any of the following types of technology in high school in order to complete your course work?

Did you have the access to the technology you needed to complete your course work? 19. Based on what you learned in high school in the area of technology, did you feel prepared or unprepared for what you needed in this area when you got to college or started working?

Based on what you learned in high school in the area of technology, did you feel prepared or unprepared for what you needed in this area when you got to college or started working?

And how would you rate your school in terms of how well it did teaching students in the area of technology so they would be prepared for college or the work world?
