Experience in High School and professional future
94 out of 100 from the 2,200 young Americans graduated from Public High School and polled by Bendixen&Amandi International believe that a good High School education is important for their future achievements.
Question: When thinking about what you need to achieve your goals and dreams, how important is having a good high school education? (National Sample)
Basic preparation and technology preparedness
In contrast with their optimism about the future, 60% of recent public high school graduates believe they were not technologically prepared for college or the workplace.
Based on what you learned in high school in the area of technology, did you feel prepared or unprepared for what you needed in this area when you got to college or started working? (National Sample)
Needs in preparation and how to improve
According to the existing standards, an excellent education should be rated with an a grade of A. But, 71% of recent public high school graduates do not consider their schools deserve the highest grade: 46% of those polled gave the academic preparation they received a B and the rest rated their schools anywhere from C to F.
What grade would you give your high school based on the academic education you received? (National Sample)
Influences and political and civic involvement
In general, high school teachers were favorably evaluated. More than half of the participants considered them “excellent” (29%) or “good” (52%). But those polled do not feel they were sufficiently encouraged to take advanced classes.
I know that every teacher can be a bit different, but overall, how would you rate your high school teachers in terms of the quality of the education you received? (National Sample)
High School Graduates Straddle Hope and Educational Gaps
High school graduate in America do not seem to know what they do not know. Even though recently graduated students gave their public schools, teachers, and counselors positive evaluations, certain aspects of reality hit hard. They are realizing that they are not as prepared as they thought they were to navigate academia or the work force.
Population: Recent Public High School Graduates (1-2 years post-graduation). Sample: 2,200 (including 600 oversamples of both Hispanics and African Americans). Language(s): English/Spanish. Margin of Error: +/- 2.1. Dates of Interview: August 10-21, 2015. The survey was conducted in a mixed model format utilizing land line and cellular telephones with live interview operators, as well as a portion of the sample being conducted online. This poll is part of the campaign “Quiero Aprender” from Univision and XQ Institute.